Transferring organization ownership

  • Clubs and Leagues
  • Owner
  • web
  • Everywhere


For each TeamSnap for Clubs and Leagues and TeamSnap for Business organization, there can only be one designated organization owner and as many additional administrators (commissioners) as needed. Organization owners are the only members with permission to grant or revoke administrator access for others and manage the organization's TeamSnap plan billing. Ownership privileges can be transferred from one account to another if needed.


  1. The current org owner must set the new owner up with commissioner access.
  2. The current and future owners must provide direct authorization for the ownership transfer to TeamSnap support.
  3. Once our support team has facilitated the transfer of ownership, the new organization owner can manage member privileges for their organization, including removing the previous owner if needed.

Note: If the current organization owner is unavailable to authorize the transfer of ownership, please reach out to the TeamSnap client success manager for the account so they can assist with authorization verification.

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