Customize Team Settings

Administrators can easily customize team settings like the team name, selected sport, uniform details, team photo and more. Follow the steps below to change your team name or edit other team information.

Note: Certain team settings options are available only to teams on our Premium or Ultra plans. Teams that are part of a sports organization in TeamSnap may have limited settings available to manage. Some administrative functionality is not available in the mobile apps.

Change Your Team Settings

  1. Log into TeamSnap
  2. Click your roster name below the team name to enter the team site
  3. Click on the Preferences tab
  4. Click Team Settings
  5. Click Edit
  6. Enter changes into the desired fields or selections
    1. Team Settings:
      1. Team name
      2. Sport
      3. Alternate Sport Name
      4. Associated league information (optional): League name, League Website URL, Division
      5. Team details (optional): Season, Level, Age Group, Gender
      6. Default Home Uniform
      7. Default Away Uniform
      8. Team location details: Time Zone, Country, ZIP/Postal CodeScreenshot of the team settings screen.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Team Logo (available to teams on our Premium or Ultra plans).
    1. Click Upload a Team Logo.
    2. Click Choose File to select logo image to upload.
      1. recommended size 150x150px
      2. PNG, GIF, or JPEG format
      3. Transparent PNG highly recommended
      4. Transparent GIF works okay
      5. JPEG does not support transparency and is usually the poorest option (unless your logo is rectangular)
    3. Click Save.
  9. Team Photo
    1. Click Upload Team Photo.
    2. Click Choose File to select team photo to upload.
      1. Image Requirements:
        1. 8MB or less
        2. landscape orientation for best display
        3. min-width 850px for optimal display
      2. Click Save.
  10. Sponsor Information
    1. Click Add New Sponsor button.
    2. (Optional) Click Choose File to select logo image to upload.
      1. Supported logo file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, or png
      2. 8MB limit per file
    3. Enter sponsor name.
    4. Enter sponsor URL.
    5. Click Save.
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