Edit Scheduler Events

Note: Scheduler items can only be edited/managed from within scheduler.
  1. Log into TeamSnap
  2. Click organization name under the My Leagues section of the dashboard
  3. Click Schedule tab
  4. Click TeamSnap Scheduler
  5. Click Edit Existing Schedule
  6. Click Update Teams/Locations to make changes to teams or locations included in schedule OR click Skip to Scheduler (skip to step 12)
  7. Select the locations to include in the schedule
  8. Click Continue
  9. Select the divisions or teams below divisions to include in the schedule
  10. Enter schedule details
  11. Click Continue to TeamSnap Scheduler
  12. Edit/Update data under Settings
    Note: Data and selections are auto-saved
  13. Click Games or Practices
  14. Click Schedule under the Games or Practices tab
  15. Click edit, delete, or cancel icon under the Actions column to make needed changes for a specific event
    Attention: Deleting timeslots or editing the date settings for a schedule with existing games or events will not delete existing games or events, and will only hide those games or events from your schedule view. The only way to remove games or events from a Scheduler schedule is to delete or unpublish those games or events. 
  16. Click Publish League Schedules
    • Select publish option from drop-down
    • Select changes to send notifications for
  17. Click Publish Schedule
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