Add Tournament Sponsors and Local Attractions

TeamSnap Tournaments administrators can add event sponsors, with the option to display sponsor adds in the mobile app. To do this, log into TeamSnap Tournaments on the web and open your event.

Sponsor Types

Local Attractions

If you mark a sponsor as a local attraction, it will be listed as a location tournament participants can visit in the event area under the Local tab in the TeamSnap Tournaments mobile app. 

Ad Space

If you mark a sponsor as having ad space, their add will appear on the schedule, division, and local pages within the mobile app. Additionally, once every 24 hours a full-page pop-up ad will appear for a user that has been in the mobile app for a full minute. Adding the Website URL will link the ad image to the URL entered.

Sponsor ads must be a .png or .jpg file type and 320x64 px.

Unmarked Sponsor

If both Local Attraction and Ad Space are left unchecked, the sponsor will not be displayed in within the mobile app.

Adding Sponsors

  1. Click the Sponsors tab
  2. Click Add Sponsor button
  3. Enter sponsor details
    • Name
    • Description
    • Check Local Attraction box if sponsor should be mapped as a local attraction in the mobile app
    • Check Ad Space box if sponsor should have ad space in the mobile app
      • If checked, the Upload Ad box should appear allowing you to upload the sponsor's ad file and website URL
    • Phone Number
  4. Click Save Sponsor

Mobile Display Examples

Local Tab Screen Tournament Schedule Screen
TST-Localtab-Ad.png TST-Tournament-Ad.png
Tournament Division Schedule Screen Local Attraction Sponsor Detail Screen
TST-Schedule-Ad.png TST-Sponsor.png
Tournament Full-Screen Ad Tournament Division List Screen
TST-Full-Page-Ad.png TST-Divisions-Ad.png
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