Badges for Android Mobile Devices

What are Badge Notifications? (Android)

Depending on a user's personal Android settings, badge notifications can be displayed as a small dot or a number when you receive a push notification for an alert message and/or team chat message on the Android platform of TeamSnap. 

Note: Badge markers for push notifications will only be displayed on the TeamSnap app icon for Android devices using Android Oreo 8.0 or higher. They are not available for earlier versions of the Android OS.

Where will I see Badge Notifications?

Badges Outside the TeamSnap Icon

On the outer face of the Android app, badges are displayed as a dot or a number based on your personal notification settings on your device. The badge is to let you know that you have received a push notification from TeamSnap. It does not indicate the number of unread messages within the app. To clear this App badge you would clear your phones notifications.

Badges Inside the TeamSnap Icon

Inside the TeamSnap app, badges display in two different places:

  • On the My Teams landing page next to the team that has been notified
  • On the envelope icon within the team.

How do I Dismiss Badge Notifications in the App?

Dismiss Unread Alert Badges

  1. Log on to the TeamSnap app
  2. From the My Teams page, select the team with the notifications
  3. Go to the Messages tab
  4. Go to the Alerts tab
  5. Click on each alert with an active status indicated by an orange dot to the far left of the entry
  6. For active alerts, click on each badged alert to clear the notification

Dismiss Unread Team Chat Badges

  1. Log on to the TeamSnap app
  2. From the My Teams page, select the team with the notifications
  3. Go to the Messages tab
  4. Go to the Team Chat tab
  5. Once you open the Team Chat tab, all active notifications will clear

How Do I Turn Off Badge Notifications Outside on the Teamsnap Icon?

  1. Tap Settings for your device
  2. Tap Notifications
  3. Tap App Icon Badges
  4. Toggle Off

Note: The above is dependent on your device. If the steps do not work for you, please check your device-specific manual for instructions.

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