Export for importing to USA Hockey

Using the registration feature in TeamSnap, administrators can gather and export USA Hockey Confirmation numbers from participants that can then be imported into the USA Hockey Registry tool. 

Note: Before the export can be done, it is required to set up the appropriate custom fields in your league or on your registration form in order to collect USA Hockey Confirmation Numbers from your participants via registration, or to allow club administrators to enter them manually into member profiles.

Part 1: Adding custom fields

Method 1: Adding Custom Fields in Settings

  1.  Log into TeamSnap
  2. Enter your club or league under the My Leagues section of the Dashboard screen
  3. Click Settings tab
  4. Click Custom Fields
  5. Click New Custom Field
  6. Enter field name: USA Hockey Confirmation Number
  7. Select the Text field type
  8. Enter help text (optional) - longer tip text displayed on hover over ? next to field name
  9. Select visibility
  10. Select the section of the form where you would like it to be displayed
  11. Click Save
  12. Repeat steps 5-11 to add Member Type field
    • This field is required in conjunction with the USA Hockey confirmation number
    • Menu field type
    • Menu option: P, C, M, V
    • Optional tooltip/help text: P=Player, C=Coach, M=Manager, V=Volunteer
  13. This method requires that you then fill out the confirmation numbers manually in each member's profile, or activate the field on the desired registration form to allow participants to enter their USA Hockey confirmation numbers into the form. To activate the field on a form:
    1. Click Registration tab
    2. Click Edit for the applicable form
    3. Click Form Fields 
    4. Click Manage Existing Fields
    5. Click field toggle to ON
    6. Click Done at the bottom of the fields list

Method 2: Adding Custom Fields in Registration Form

  1. Log into TeamSnap
  2. Enter your club or league under the My Leagues section of the Dashboard screen
  3. Click Registration tab
  4. Click Edit for the applicable form
  5. Click Form Fields 
  6. Click +Add New Field 
  7. Enter custom field name USA Hockey Confirmation Number
  8. Select the section of the form where you would like it to be displayed
  • Additional Player Info
  • Sport Info
  • Additional Parent Info
  • Select the Text field type
  • Enter a tooltip (optional) - short tip text displayed on hover over ? next to field name
  • Enter help text (optional) - longer tip text displayed on hover over ? next to field name
  • Skip validation selection
  • Check all that apply
    • Data entered in this field is PRIVATE to league officials
    • Click Save

    Repeat steps 6-14 for Member Type field

    • This field is required in conjunction with the USA Hockey confirmation number
    • Menu field type
    • Menu option: P, C, M, V
    • Optional tooltip/help text: P=Player, C=Coach, M=Manager, V=Volunteer

    Part 2: Exporting from TeamSnap

    Once the confirmation numbers have been entered either manually into each member profile or via the registration process, you can export data from TeamSnap in one of two ways:

    Option 1: Exporting from Member or Participant tab

    1. Access your organization.
      1. Steps for TeamSnap for Clubs and Leagues:
        1. Log into your account at go.teamsnap.com.
        2. Click the organization name under the My Organizations section of your TeamSnap dashboard.
        3. Click the Members tab.
        4. Click Export to CSV
      2. Steps for TeamSnap for Business: 
        1. Log into your account at organization.teamsnap.com.
        2. Click Programs.

        3. Click the destination program.
        4. Click the destination season.
        5. Click the Participants tab.
        6. Click the Export Participants tab.
    2. Open the file that is emailed to you and remove all columns except the USA Hockey Confirmation Number and Member Type columns
    3. Remove any empty cells
    4. Save the file to your computer

    Option 2: Exporting from the Registration Summary table

    1. Log into TeamSnap
    2. Enter your club or league under the My Leagues section of the Dashboard screen
    3. Click Registration tab
    4. Click the form name
    5. Click Manage Columns under the Completed Registrations section
    6. Check the boxes for USA Hockey Confirmation Number and Member Type
    7. Uncheck all other columns
    8. Click back to the summary to close the pop-up
    9. Hover over the Export button and select Export Current Page
    10. Open the file that is downloaded and remove all columns except the USA Hockey Confirmation Number and Member Types columns
    11. Save the file to your computer

    Part 3: Importing into the USA Hockey portal

    1. Log into portal.usahockey.com
    2. Click the Registration tab
    3. Click Import Members
    4. Click Upload File
    5. Select the appropriate file for import
    6. Click Upload List
    7. Set column 1 heading to Confirmation Number and column 2 heading to Member Type in the Member Import Tool that pops up. Leave the other columns set to Ignore
    8. Click Import Members at the bottom of the screenNote: Ignore the “This is not a valid confirmation number” error and click OK. That error is referring to the column headings.
    9. The confirmation number list with member types will be displayed with a Sessions Totals box to the left displaying how many of each member type is in the list
    10. Click the green Submit Member List below the Session Totals box
    11. The process to analyze and import the data may take up to a few minutes
    12. When complete, an Import Totals pop-up will be displayed listing how many of each member type was imported. Additional categories in this list are:
      • Members Updated – members already in your list who had updated info on the USAH server that has now been loaded into the Registry Tool
      • Previously Claimed Members – members already in your list with the most up-to-date info from the USAH server.
      • Members Not Found – indicates the confirmation number was invalid or out-of-date. These numbers will be displayed in red in your list after you exit the pop-up.

    If you experience any errors during the import process or need further assistance with the USA Hockey Registry application please contact  USA Hockey directly.

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