Registration set up: customize form fields

This article covers the customization of the fields included in your registration form, including creation and arrangement of custom fields, and is part of our registration set up guide, which will walk you through the entire process of setting up a registration form, from choosing the form template to setting up fees to activating the form and sharing it with your participants.

In this article

Manage Default Fields

The Form Overview screen is where you will manage the fields included on your form. New registration forms are generated with a default set of fields activated which can be edited and adjusted to fit your needs, so let's customize! 

  1. Access your organization.
    1. Steps for TeamSnap for Clubs and Leagues:
      1. Log into your account at
      2. Click the organization name under the My Organizations section of your TeamSnap dashboard.
      3. Click the Divisions tab
      4. Click the division where the teams will be added (If divisions are not being used skip this step).
        1. If applicable, click the subdivision where the teams will be added.
    2. Steps for TeamSnap for Business: 
      1. Log into your account at
      2. Click Programs.
      3. Click the destination program.
      4. Click the destination season.
  2. Click Registration tab.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Click Form Overview button (if not already there).
  5. Click the change link to switch any field status from Required to Optional.

    Animated image of switching field from required to optional.
  6. Click the Remove button to remove a field.

Add Custom Fields

You can add custom fields to your registration forms that are unique to your organization and its needs. 

  1. Click Form Fields. 
  2. Click +Add New Field.
  3. Enter custom field name.
  4. Select the section of the form where you would like it to be displayed.
    1. Additional Player Info
    2. Sport Info
    3. Additional Parent Info
  5. Select the field type.
    1. Text: text are for data entry of alphanumeric characters
    2. Menu: drop-down list of menu items (Valid Options fields will appear where menu items can be entered. Separated items by commas (e.g. Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large))
    3. Checkbox: single checkbox to be checked or unchecked for Yes/No
    4. Date: drop-down date selection (Month/DD/YYYY)
  6. Optional: Enter a tooltip - short tip text displayed on hover over ? next to field name.
  7. Optional: Enter help text - longer tip text displayed on hover over ? next to field name.
  8. Select validation type (optional - applies to Text field type only).
    1. Digits: checks that only numeric characters are entered
    2. Email: checks that data entered matches valid email address format
    3. URL: checks that data entered matches valid URL format
  9. Check all that apply.
    1. Data entered in this field is PRIVATE to league officials
  10. Click Save.

Next Up: Add Registration Waivers and Documents

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