Plan FAQs

What features are included with my team plan?

TeamSnap offers several different plans to meet your needs. Some of our features are only available with a paid plan. You can see each of the plan options we offer, as well as what features are included with each on our Team Plans and Pricing page.

How am I charged when I upgrade?

TeamSnap plan are billed to you on an as-you-go basis, so if you upgrade an annual plan, you will be charged the difference in plans, pro-rated to the number of months you have left in your annual billing cycle.

If you upgrade a monthly plan, you will be charged the difference in plans, pro-rated to the amount of days you have left in your billing cycle. Then you will be charged your new plan fee on the next billing date.

Can I have multiple teams on the same plan?

TeamSnap plans support a single team per plan. This allows you to select the plan that works best for each team's needs. When you add a new team, you will be taken to the plans and pricing page to select the plan that will work best for your new team, and the free plan is always available.

Who pays for the TeamSnap plan?

For sports organizations, the organization owner is responsible for billing.

For independent teams, only the designated team owner can pay for and manage the billing for their team's plan. Others wanting/needing to manage plan billing will need to reach out to the team owner, who can decide to transfer ownership of the team to another member if appropriate, since team plan billing is tied to the team owner's account. This should be carefully considered before taking action, since team ownership comes with the ability to grant or revoke manager access to others, and there can be only one team owner per team.

Team members do not have to pay an additional fee for the benefits of using the features of the paid plan the team owner has selected and paid for on behalf of the team.

Can I store multiple credit cards in my TeamSnap account for plan payments?

Only one card can be loaded to a user account to pay for the teams that account owns. There is currently no way to store multiple payment cards in our billing system. Team owners who own two or more teams that need to use different payment cards can either update the payment card in their account before each team plan payment is processed if the billing dates are different (this doesn't work if the billing dates are the same day) or they can set up each team on separate TeamSnap accounts with another email address to manage the team and plan payment separately on each account.

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