Issuing Registration Credits

Sports organization administrators using TeamSnap for Clubs and Leagues can issue credits on a current registration that registrants may apply to future registration fees. This feature is not available for organizations using PayPal for payment processing.

Note: Currently, credits must be issued individually to participant registrations. There is no option for issuing credits in bulk.

  1. Log into TeamSnap using a web browser.
  2. Enter your organization site under the My Organizations section of the TeamSnap Dashboard.
  3. Click the Registration tab.
  4. Click the desired form name.
  5. Click edit under the right-hand actions column next to the name of the participant who will be receiving the credit.
    1. Credits are allocated to the member account of the registrant even if issued under specific participant(s). When multiple participants are registered by a parent, any credits issued to their registrations are pooled together and credited to the parent's account. This consolidated credit amount can be utilized by the registrant for future transactions.
  6. Click the Issue Credit button.

  7. Enter the credit amount and an optional credit note
  8. Click Issue Credit to confirm.

The credit will be added to the transaction log, and registrants will be notified of a credit that has been issued to them via email.

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