Using navigation search

Attention: This article is for organization administrators on TeamSnap for Business. Check your version at the bottom of your organization screen.

Navigation search can quickly bring you to the information you need in TeamSnap for Business.

To use the navigation search:

  1. Log into your TeamSnap account.
  2. Click the search bar at the top of your screen.
  3. Start typing for one of the searchable items on your organization's site. Matching items will start to be displayed in a dropdown below the search bar.

  4. Click the desired search result to be taken to the corresponding screen for that item.
  5. If no match is found or the results are not as expected, double-check to make sure that your search term is spelled correctly and that it is included in the list of searchable items currently active in the app.

What can you search and where will it take you?

  • Registration form name takes you to the summary page for that registration form.
  • Invoice name brings you to the invoice overview page.
  • Member name will take you to the member profile for the person you searched.
  • Team name opens the page for that team in TeamSnap.
  • Division name will display the list of teams for that division.
  • Program/season name will take you to the list of divisions in the season.
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