How to send a mass message

Organization Messages

It’s best to send mass messages from the organization level when you want to communicate with members across multiple programs, but you don’t need to filter by role or include attachments. 

  1. Navigate to the Messages tab at the organization level
  2. Select the “New Email” button to compose a new message
  3. Send Email From - Users can either send messages from their personal address they use to log into their system or they can choose the “” if they do not wish to receive responses from their members
  4. Enter a subject
  5. Compose the message - Use formatting options to style and format the message. Some suggestions might include:
    1. Links - Include links to help navigate users to files, documents, registrations, schedules, or other important information hosted on another site
    2. Images - Include images to add visuals to your message content. Today, images must be stored on a 3rd party system (your website,, etc) and can be embedded into messages with the image source link. Image source links ends with the file extension of the image, such as .png or .jpg
    3. Tables - Tables are another great way to format data
    4. 💡 Helpful Tip: Here is an example template for a Newsletter which includes links, images, and tables with some fancy formatting. Paste this into the source code (icon looks like <>) for your message to preview and edit as needed. 
    5. ‼️ Important Note: Message formatting may appear differently on varying email clients. It might be helpful to send yourself a preview of the email before sending it to your members. This can be a bit tricky at the organization level today, but admins can always create a division, assign themselves to that division, and send the email ONLY to that division in which they (or other staff members) are assigned to view their message before sending to other recipients.

      It is helpful to copy the source code (icon looks like <>) of your message so you can copy/paste this back into the source code after previewing the email so you don’t have to recreate from scratch or have formatting issues if you copy/paste directly from the email. Copying the source code ensures no styling issues after previewing the message.

  6. Select recipients by choosing the program and/or divisions that you wish to message
  7. Send your message
  8. If applicable, you can view all sent org level messages content and recipient selections from the Messages page.

Season & Division Messages

It’s best to send mass messages from the season or division levels when you want to communicate with members across many divisions or teams. This also supports filters - managers, non-players, staff (commissioners) - and allows attachments.

  1. Navigate to any active season within your organization
  2. Go to the Messages page at the season or division levels 
  3. Select the “Email [Season Name]” button to compose a new message
  4. Enter a subject
  5. From address is always the user’s personal address they use to log into their system
  6. Compose the message - Use formatting options to style and format the message. Some suggestions might include:
    1. Links - Include links to help navigate users to files, documents, registrations, schedules, or other important information hosted on another site
    2. Images - Include images to add visuals to your message content. Today, images must be stored on a 3rd party system (your website,, etc) and can be embedded into messages with the image source link. Image source links ends with the file extension of the image, such as .png or .jpg
    3. Tables - Tables are another great way to format data
    4. 💡 Helpful Tip: Here is an example template for a Newsletter which includes links, images, and tables with some fancy formatting. Paste this into the source code (icon looks like <>) for your message to preview and edit as needed. 
    5. ‼️ Important Note: Message formatting may appear differently on varying email clients. It might be helpful to send yourself a preview of the email before sending it to your members. This can be a bit tricky today, but admins can always create a division, assign themselves to that division, and send the email ONLY to that division in which they (or other staff members) are assigned to view their message before sending to other recipients.

      It is helpful to copy the source code (icon looks like <>) of your message so you can copy/paste this back into the source code after previewing the email so you don’t have to recreate from scratch or have formatting issues if you copy/paste directly from the email. Copying the source code ensures no styling issues after previewing the message.

  7. Select recipients by choosing the teams and/or divisions that you wish to message
  8. You can filter recipients by Everyone, Managers, Staff (Commissioners), Unassigned Participants, and even send a copy of the message to yourself
  9. If applicable, attach files to your message for users to view when they receive the message
  10. Send your message!
    1. Not ready to send the message yet? Save your message as a draft and come back to edit it later. 
  11. You can view all sent org level messages content and recipient selections from the Messages page.
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