How to manage what information displays on team rosters

Organizations can control what Teams can view and access through their season settings.

Access these settings by navigating to any active season and choose the Settings page. The options listed below define which settings on each tab impact season Teams. 

Team Controlled Settings

By default, teams control their own settings from within their Manager tab. The settings in this program area are used only as defaults for new teams. Changes made here are not automatically applied to existing teams. 

However, by clicking the “Change this Preference” button you can change this so that settings modified in this program area will be applied immediately to every team in your program. Individual teams are not able to control their own settings. 

Program Settings

Some of the program settings listed on this page will be inherited by and visible to the teams created within the season:

  • Season Name
  • Sport
  • Time Zone
  • Country
  • Zip Code

Site Pref

All settings on this tab impact what the teams view and access within the Teams application:

  • Show Standings on Home Page enables the standings modal on the team’s home page in the web app
  • Sort Players By allows users to sort players by first or last name on the Rostering page in the Teams app (managers can also change this themselves in the team app)
  • Game & Event Notifications are enabled by default, but can be disabled by team (via teams app) or for an entire season
  • Item Tracking Privacy makes it so tracking assignments are not visible to anyone but the team managers
  • Non-Player Item Tracking hides non-players from being listed on the tracking tab
  • Classic Payment Tracking Privacy hides the payment status being listed for players to all managers
  • Non-Player Classic Payment Tracking hides the payment status being listed for non-players to all managers
  • Time Display allows users to set times, most applicable to scheduled events, to a 24 hour clock. This is most important for international organizations (Canada, etc). 
  • Date Display allows users to set dates, most applicable to scheduled events, to a DD/MM/YYYY format. This is most important for international organizations (Canada, etc).  
  • Refreshment Settings can be enabled for games, events, or both to allow assignments of snacks, water, and other assignments that might be specific to an event. This is not technically restricted to refreshments, but any event assignments.
  • Score Tracking enables the options for admins to enter scores as a more generic “points for” and “points away”. These are the score labels no matter the sport. 
    • If this setting is enabled, but “Team Schedule Permissions” is not enabled for Team Managers, then only Org Staff can enter scores at the team level. 
  • Page Header changes what displays at the top of a Teams page. 
  • Sponsor Management allows team to edit sponsor images to their Teams application which displays to their roster members on the homepage of the Teams app
  • Manager Announcement shows announcements created by Team Managers on the team homepage
  • Team Chat & Direct Messaging is a “all or nothin” setting that allows teams within a season to either access chat and messaging options in the Teams app or hides these communication options from all teams in the season
  • Team Roster Permissions allows organizations to determine if Team Managers should  be able to ad-hoc add players and/or delete players from their roster. This circumvents any registration or import processes defined by the organization. 
  • Team Schedule Permissions enabled Team Manager to enter game scores when applicable.
    • If the setting “Score Tracking” is not ALSO enabled, then team managers won’t see any fields to enter these scores.

Tab Manager

Organizations can control which tabs and pages are available to their teams by toggling off and on the following Teams tabs:

  • Availability - the ability to track roster member attendance for scheduled events
  • Tracking - the ability for teams to track actions and tasks assigned to their roster members
  • Payments - allow teams to invoice and make payments within the teams application (teams will add their own deposit account to process these payments)
  • Statistics - allow teams to customize and track team and player statistics. These can be very robust stats or very simple. 
  • Assignments - allow teams to assign tasks per game or event to roster members, then track the completion of those assignments
  • Photos & Files - enable roster members abilities to share photos and files

Custom Fields

Custom fields are used in a season for either (A) custom questions on a registration form or (B) custom questions that can be completed by teams on their roster profiles after they are assigned to a team roster. 

  • Orgs can add help text to provide context for these custom fields
  • This information can be made visible to the team or kept private (hidden by default), editable or not editable
  • This information can also be moved to different sections of the roster profile - Player, Parent, Additional 

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