Organization Controlled vs Team Controlled Settings

Organization administrators can establish org-wide settings for their organization under the Settings tab, or opt to allow settings to be controlled by each team.

Organizations that choose to have team controlled settings will be able to select settings and site preferences at the organization level that will become the default for any newly added teams, and still allow those teams to modify those defaults as needed. Team administrators will have access to all team level settings. If settings are controlled by the organization, team administrators will have access to limited settings. Below is a screenshot comparison of team settings under team control vs org control:

Team Controlled Team Settings Organization Controlled Team Settings
   Screenshots displayed are from example team on Ultra plan
Team Controlled - Site Prefs Org Controlled - Site Prefs
   Screenshots displayed are from example team on Ultra plan

Ready to select how your organization's settings are controlled? Here's how:

  1. Log into TeamSnap
  2. Click your organization name under the My Leagues section of the TeamSnap Dashboard screen
  3. Click Settings tab
    • Below the Organization-Wide Settings screen heading, you will see a blue box labeled either ORGANIZATION CONTROLLED SETTINGS or TEAM CONTROLLED SETTINGS
    • Team Controlled Settings - Any settings created at the league level are defaults for any newly created teams. Any changes an organization administrator makes in the Settings tab will not affect existing team's settings. Existing teams can edit their own settings on their team Manager tab.
    • Organization Controlled Settings - Individual teams will not have access to the settings controlled by the organization in their Manager tab. Any changes made to settings will apply immediately to all teams in the organization and can not be changed at the team level.
  4. Click the Change This Preference button to switch the current setting
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