Issue a Tournament Refund
To issue a refund for a credit card payment submitted to you through TeamSnap Tournaments, you'll need to log into your Stripe account.
- Find the charge to be refunded in the payments overview page
- Click the … icon to the right of the charge
- From the resulting menu, select Refund charge
- By default, you will issue a full refund. For a partial refund, enter a different amount to be refunded.
- Select a reason for the refund. If you select Other, you must provide an explanatory note that is attached to the refund.
- Click Refund
Alternatively, you can go to the Stripe Dashboard page for the specific charge, and click Refund there. (Again, you’ll be given the choice of a full or partial refund and prompted to pick a reason.)
The steps above can be found with additional information in Stripe's refund help article.
What's Next
If the refund is for a team registration, you may need to deactivate the team to prevent it from being eligible for scheduling.