Coordinate Carpools Using the Assignments Tab

Using the Assignments tab in TeamSnap you can easily make sure everyone gets to the game or practice. 

Carpool Drivers Sign Up

Available carpool drivers can set up an assignment spot for their vehicle with the number of seats they have available for specific games and events.

  1. Click the Assignments tab
  2. Click New Assignment for the game or event they can drive for
  3. Enter Carpool and any names of players they know they will be driving and/or the number of available seats in their vehicle into the Assignments field
  4. Click Save

Carpool Passengers Sign Up

Players (and their families) can then go to the Assignments tab to see who has space in their vehicle and can reach out to the driver directly to make arrangements.

Team Admins

Team managers have the added ability to edit all Assignments entries. If they need to add someone to a carpool signup, they can click the pencil icon to edit the carpool and adjust the number of seats available.

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