Export Registration Transactions for QuickBooks Import

This article explains exporting a CSV transaction file from TeamSnap for importing into Quickbooks online, but could also be adapted for importing into other financial management programs. 

  1. Log into TeamSnap
  2. Enter your club or league under the My Leagues section of the Dashboard screen
  3. Click Registration tab
  4. Click the form name
  5. Hover over the Export button and select Export Fees
  6. Download/save the CSV file that is sent to your email
  7. Log in/open QuickBooks Online
  8. Select Banking from the left menu
  9. Click the Update drop-down or, if you've never connected an account, click Upload transactions manually at the bottom of the screen
  10. Select File upload or file to upload
  11. Click Browse and select your saved CSV file
  12. Click Next
  13. From the QuickBooks Account drop-down, select the account to which to import
  14. Click Next
  15. Map your fields according to your CSV file's format
    • Acceptable headers for 3 Column file:
      Date Description Amount
      1/1/2018 Example of a payment -100.00
      1/1/2018 Example of a deposit 200.00
    •  Acceptable headers for 4 column file
      Date Description Credit Debit
      1/1/2018 Example of a payment 100.00  
      1/1/2018 Example of a deposit   200.00
    • Please ensure there are no ( ) used for negative amounts, and ensure the column(s) are formatted correctly. 
    • These are the only columns that QBO can import. You'll be able to enter additional information, such as the category and payee, on the For Review tab of your Banking page. If you have any rules, or if QuickBooks recognizes the descriptions of your transactions, it will fill in that information automatically.
  16. Click Next
  17. Select the transactions to import
  18. Click Next
    Note: You will receive a notification stating the number of transactions that will be imported.
  19. Click Yes
  20. When you get confirmation of the import, click Finish. You will now be directed to the Downloaded Transactions window, where the imported transactions will appear under the New Transactions tab.  

For additional assistance, click the Help button in the bottom right of the screen for TeamSnap-related questions or visit QuickBooks Support for questions regarding QuickBooks products.

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