Delete Roster Members

There may come a time when you a need to clean up your roster list or permanently remove a roster member from your team. Follow the steps below to find out how.

Warning: Deleting a roster member will clear all statistics, tracking items, assignments, health check, and availability data linked to that roster profile. Members with manager access can delete roster members. Invoices will still appear for deleted roster members, unless the team is using Classic Payments.

Delete Roster Member (web)

  1. Log into TeamSnap
  2. Click your roster name below the team name to enter the team site
  3. Click the Roster tab
  4. Click Delete
  5. Click Delete again to confirm

Delete Roster Member (mobile)

  1. Open the TeamSnap app
  2. Tap teams dropdown to open teams list
  3. Tap team name
  4. Tap Roster icon
  5. Tap roster (player) profile
  6. Tap 3 dot menu or Edit
  7. Tap Delete
  8. Tap Delete to confirm
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