Export for GotSoccer/GotSport import

Using the registration feature in TeamSnap, administrators can gather and export information from participants that can then be imported into the GotSport/GotSoccer upload tool, which is used by US Club and US Youth Soccer.

Set required fields

Set any fields needed in GotSoccer/GotSport as required in your TeamSnap registration form before conducting registration.

Export from TeamSnap

Once registration is complete, you can export data from TeamSnap:

  1. Access your organization.
    1. Steps for TeamSnap for Clubs and Leagues:
      1. Log into your account at go.teamsnap.com.
      2. Click the organization name under the My Organizations section of your TeamSnap dashboard.
      3. Click the Members tab.
      4. Click Export to CSV
    2. Steps for TeamSnap for Business: 
      1. Log into your account at organization.teamsnap.com.
      2. Click Programs.

      3. Click the destination program.
      4. Click the destination season.
      5. Click the Participants tab.
      6. Click the Export Participants tab.
  2. Open the file that is emailed to you, and double-check that the data includes all the fields you want to upload.
  3. Save/Export your file as a CSV.

Import into the GotSoccer/GotSport portal

Follow the GotSport import instructions.

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