Copy a program season

Attention: This article is for organization administrators on TeamSnap for Business. Check your version at the bottom of your organization screen.

Ideally, you have set up the season you want to copy with everything the way you want, like registration forms, financials, etc. Once one season is set up under a program, you can opt to copy it for a new season. If you have no previous seasons under the program you will not see this option.

What gets copied

  • Financial settings
  • Registration forms
  • Divisions and program attributes
  • Staff with the Organization Admin role

Copy a season

  1. Log into your account at
  2. Click Programs.

  3. Click the program you are creating the season for.
  4. Click + Create New Season.

  5. Enter the season name.
  6. Optional: Enter a season start date.
  7. Optional: Enter a season end date.
  8. Note: The season creation screen will display any attributes you have applied to the program the season is being created under. Once you click the Create Season button, those attributes will be used to automatically create divisions. 
    1. The best practice is to have 30 or fewer divisions in a program season. We recommend grouping large numbers (over 30) of divisions into separate programs. You can calculate how many divisions will be created by multiplying the number of selections you make from each program attribute group. For example, if you select 2 competition genders, 6 age divisions, and 3 competition levels for a single program that would be 2 x 6 x 2 = 24, which means 24 divisions would be created. Selecting 3 competition genders combined with 12 age divisions (3 x 12) would create 36 divisions. Learn more about how program attributes are used.

  9. Select the option to copy information from a prior season.

  10. Select the prior season to be copied.

  11. Optional: Select the checkbox to copy the divisions from the prior season
    1. Optional: Select the checkbox to copy the teams within the divisions from the prior season
  12. Click Create Season.

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