How to Export Rosters from TeamSnap For Business Into Little League Baseball Data Center

Within TeamSnap for Business [TSB], there is an “Export Little League Rosters” option at the season level that matches the column format for the LLB upload template (linked below). This Little League Baseball export format enables Little League administrators to quickly download the required roster data from TeamSnap for Business and upload this information to the LLB Data Center with minimal effort. 

The LLB export is only available for TeamSnap for Business organizations in which the season sport is equal to: Baseball, Softball, Slo-pitch, or Wheelchair Softball.

Follow the steps below to generate an LLB export:

  1. First, make sure your registration form is set up to collect the following information required by LLB and that these fields are marked “Required.” 
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Address
    4. City
    5. State/Province
    6. Zip/Postal Code
    7. Phone Number
    8. Birthdate
  2. Roster your Players
  3. Export your data from the Participants page at the season level.
    1. Access an individual season within a TSB organization
    2. Navigate to the Participant page
    3. Click the “Export” button in the top right corner of the page
    4. Select the “Export Little League Rosters” option to generate the CSV export

    5. The export will download directly to your device.  

  4. Open your file in Excel or Google Sheets to format. 
    1. Replace your division names with the LLB Division Codes (below)
    2. Export as a CSV 
  5. Import to the Little League Data Center

Important User Note about Little League Baseball Division Codes

The TSB product does not enforce the names of the divisions within a season to match the LLB division names. Customers often name their divisions uniquely and are not an exact match to the LLB division names and subsequent numeric codes.

LLB has strict rules in regards to players playing in the appropriate age divisions and there are consequences for teams if players are accidentally listed as playing outside of their age range. Due to these variations and LLB regulations, the system does not assume the division code that should be assigned based on division names and will not include that in this export.

It is recommended that Little League administrators should “Find and Replace” the division names in this export with the appropriate numeric code required by LLB before uploading to the LLB Data Center.

Division (values must be between 11-19, 21-27, or 31-37)

Division codes:

11 = Baseball Tball

12 = Baseball Minors

13 = Baseball Majors

14 = Intermediate Division (50/70)

15 = Baseball Senior

16 = Baseball Big League

17 = Baseball Junior

18 = Challenger Division

21 = Girls Softball Tball

22 = Girls Softball Minors

23 = Girls Softball Majors

25 = Girls Softball Senior

26 = Girls Softball Big League

27 = Girls Softball Junior

31 = Boys Softball Tball

32 = Boys Softball Minors

33 = Boys Softball Majors

35 = Boys Softball Senior

36 = Boys Softball Big League

37 = Boys Softball Junior

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