Intro to WordPress Dashboard for Website Builder


The dashboard is the page you are taken to after logging in. It contains the toolbar, admin menu, and informative widget blocks that can be rearranged or removed if desired.

Note: If you have previously worked with WordPress sites and are familiar with the admin experience, it should be noted that some of the traditional admin functions for customization will be missing due to the security restrictions we have in place to ensure the security and site health of all Website Builder sites.

In this article


The black bar across the top of the dashboard screen is the toolbar, which will remain visible when you view the front end (public view) of your site while you are logged in. The toolbar contains links that allow you to easily edit your profile or create a new post.

  • WordPress logo: Hover over the WordPress icon to access links to information about WordPress and accompanying documentation for general WordPress use. 

  • My Sites: If you have multiple website builder sites, you can navigate between them using the My Sites link. 

  • Site name: Your site name is a link to switch to the front-end view of your site. Click the name or hover > click View Site to switch to the public view of your site.

  • Comment count: If you allow people to make comments on site posts you can view the comment count here and click to review any comments held for moderation. 

  • New: Hover over the New link to see options to quickly jump to adding new media items, posts, pages, links, users, and more.

  • Yoast SEO icon (if activated): Yoast links and resources can be accessed here along with any notifications from the plugin that may need your attention. 

  • CleanTalk icon (if activated): If this setting is enabled in the CleanTalk plugin, the icon with anti-spam statistics numbers will be displayed in your toolbar. 

  • Howdy, [Your profile name]: On the far right of the toolbar is your name and Gravatar image (if you have one). When you hover over your name, a dropdown will appear with links to edit your profile or log out of your website builder account. 

  • Screen Options: Click to open this fly-out panel below Howdy, [Your name] where you can manage the items displayed on the current screen you are viewing. Different screens may have different screen options.

  • Help: Click to open this fly-out panel below Howdy, [Your name] that contains contextual help information for the screen you are on.

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Dashboard content

The items in the main area of the page you will see are the default WordPress widgets which include Welcome, At A Glance, Activity, Quick Draft, and WordPress Events and News. You can manage which sections you prefer to see under the Screen Options panel and drag and drop each widget to rearrange the page. You may also see widgets for Yoast SEO and Anti-Spam by CleanTalk if you have those plugins activated for your site.

Attention: You may occasionally see notices from activated plugins offering paid upgrades to get additional features or functionality. Please be aware that these paid upgrades are essentially a different plugin and are not approved for use in the TeamSnap Website Builder platform and cannot be installed or activated. 

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Admin menu

There may be additional items in your admin menu depending on the plugins you have activated on your site. 


Posts are blocks of content generally used for adding blog content, news, events, and other more time-sensitive content. 


The Media library is where the images, videos, or other files that you'd like to use for your site are stored. Media files just need to be uploaded once to the library and they can be used throughout your site.


Pages are the screens people will navigate to within your site that contain more static content. They can be linked to your navigation menu items and are where you add permanent content sections with various layouts and content modules using Page Builder. 

Note: All Website Builder sites come with some default pages already added. The existing Locations or Schedule pages should not be deleted or have the URL altered. These pages are linked to the TeamSnap modules available in Page Builder and are set up to dynamically update for displaying information based on the links clicked in the modules.


Comments are an optional feature that you can enable or disable to allow site visitors to leave comments on posts. The Comments section is where you can manage any comments waiting for moderation.


The Appearance section is one of the areas where you manage the look of your site. Under the Appearance section, you will see subsections for themes, customization, widgets, and menu management. 

  • Themes encompass the overall look and feel of your site including color, graphics, and text. No changes should be made here since the active theme is preset to the TeamSnap Website Builder theme. 
  • Customize is a menu of settings for customizing site details like changing the logo, site icon, color scheme, and more.
  • Widgets are special content blocks that allow you to add a variety of information to your theme's sidebar content. You can add a widget to display blog post categories, archives, recent comments, and more.
  • Menus is where you can manage your site's navigation menu options and create your parent menu with sub-navigation to the pages, categories, and custom links that you'd like for your site. 


TeamSnap reviews each plugin made available within your Website Builder site for security. The plugins you see available have passed this vetting process. Plugins provide a variety of added functionality within your site without requiring special coding knowledge and need only minimal setup. Learn how to activate plugins.

Attention: You may occasionally see notices from activated plugins offering paid upgrades to get additional features or functionality. Please be aware that these paid upgrades are essentially a different plugin and are not approved for use in the TeamSnap Website Builder platform and cannot be installed or activated.


As the site administrator, you will have the ability to set up additional users within the site. This is separate from the user list within TeamSnap, meaning that the access level granted within your Website Builder site does not carry over to the same user within TeamSnap, and vice versa. Learn more about user roles and how to add them.


The Tools section provides options for managing blog content that is mostly ignored for Website Builder purposes. The main area you need to pay attention to is the domain mapping option. If you decide to get a custom domain, this is where you will add your custom domain to your site.


This is where you'll control some basic settings on your site like the site title & tagline, set your time zone, URL format, define the homepage, etc.

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