Common Roster Editing Issues

Updated Contact Name Does Not Save

The name displayed in a roster's contact information is the account name associated with the email address that is invited to join. This may vary from what was originally entered prior to sending the invitation, depending on whether the email address used was for a new or existing member of TeamSnap. 

New Member 

If an email address is not associated with an active TeamSnap account, the name entered for the contact will be the suggested account name. Once the invitation to join TeamSnap is opened, the new member will be asked to confirm their name. The confirmed name will become the name on their account.

Existing Member

If an email address is associated with an active TeamSnap account, the existing account name will override any name entered in the roster profile, and will be the name displayed in the contact information section. This allows members to have consistent information across each of their teams.

Restricted Editing

Once an invitation is accepted, the roster profile name can only be edited by the invited member. Editing the email address for an active member will only change the email used for messaging - it will not change the login credentials for that contact and cannot be used to add a new contact by changing an existing contact's email to another person's.

If you are attempting to update a contact name within a roster profile and it reverts back to the unedited name once you save, this means that profile is not connected to your account. If the member account name being displayed is incorrect, that member can update their account information

Roster Contact Profiles are Not in Order

Contact profiles are displayed in the order they were added and their invite was accepted. Please be aware that the displayed order does not reflect permissions, access, or any type of hierarchy, and does not affect functionality in any way. If needed, the Who's This? field can be used to denote who is who next to email and phone fields to avoid confusion. Changing the order of displayed contacts is not possible without administrator assistance and loss of data.

Warning: Team administrator assistance is required for any changes of this nature, and all email messages, statistics, and other information linked to the roster profile will be lost in the process.

To "rearrange" the display order, a team administrator must delete or disable the entire roster profile, re-create the main roster profile, and wait until they have accepted their invitation before adding additional contacts. Once the initial invitation is accepted, additional contacts can be added and must be invited and accept their invitation before the next contact can be added, one by one in the order desired for display purposes.

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