Creating Registration Discounts

Attention: This page is for organization administrators on TeamSnap for Business. Check your version at the bottom of your organization screen. If your registration form experience does not match the steps below, please see our article Adding discount codes to your registration forms.

Discounts and coupon codes can be easily integrated into registration forms with associated fees. Whether it's a percentage or a fixed amount, these discounts can apply to registration or add-on fees, offering flexibility in your settings.

These discounts can be used to manage Sibling Discounts, Volunteer Discounts, Early Bird Registrations, or any other promotional discount that fits your Organization.

In this article

How to Set Up Discounts for Admins

Discount Troubleshooting and FAQs

How to Set up Discounts for Admins

Discount Codes offer administrators the flexibility to offer discounts and promotions without the limitations of single-use coupon codes!

To create a discount code:

  1. Navigate to Checkout Settings in your form.
  2. Click Discounts.
    1. Note: If you don't see these options, ensure fees are set up in your registration form.

  3. Click Add discount and enter the discount details.
    1. Provide a descriptive name for the discount.
    2. Choose between a percentage or fixed discount amount, then input the value.

  4. Define the rules for the discount by selecting the fee types applicable for this discount.
    1. Registration option fees are linked to registration options on your form.
    2. Add-on fees pertain to custom fields on the form.
    3. Note: Discounts are applied to the fees in the cart at checkout and can't be tied to specific registration options or add-on fees.

  5. Select between automatic application or manual application using a unique coupon code.
  1. Toggle Date-based validity for discounts activated within a specific date range.
  2. Toggle Qualifying # of options in cart for discounts based on the number of registration options selected (multi-child, multi-option discounts).
  3. Once configured, click Create to activate the discount.

Discount Troubleshooting and FAQs

  • Can discounts be automatically applied, or do they require a coupon code?
    • Discounts can be set up to work in two ways: they can apply automatically when eligible items are added to the cart, or they can require a coupon code to be entered at checkout. This gives you flexibility in how you offer savings!
  • How can I edit or delete a discount after it has been created?
    • Editing or deleting a discount is easy! Just head to the discounts section of your form and use the trash icon to remove it or click to make any changes.
  • What happens if I change or remove a discount code while my registration is active?
    • You can modify or remove discounts whenever you need to. If someone already has a registration in progress, they’ll still see the discounts that were available when they first started. This ensures consistency for participants mid-registration.
  • What are the limitations on coupon code formatting (length, characters allowed)?
    • Coupon codes need to be between 3 and 30 characters long, using only letters and/or numbers. They’re case-insensitive and will automatically convert to uppercase. Keep in mind that special characters aren’t allowed.
  • How do I set the validity period for a discount?
    • Simply toggle on the date-based validity option and choose a start and end date for your discount. This helps you plan and control when your promotions are active.
  • What options are available for setting participant-based discount qualifications?
    • You can set discounts to apply only if the cart has a certain number of participants. This can be an exact match or any number greater than what you’ve specified, giving you control over how and when discounts are used.
  • Can discounts be stacked, and how are they applied in sequence?
    • Absolutely, discounts can be combined! When stacking, custom amount discounts are applied first, followed by percentage-based discounts. Each discount is calculated based on the original cart total, ensuring fairness and transparency.
  • Are there any restrictions on what discounts can be applied to (e.g., negative fees, donations)?
    • Yes, some restrictions do apply. Discounts cannot be used for negative fees or donations to maintain proper billing practices.
  • Where do discounts appear for registrants during the checkout process?
    • Discounts show up in the cart step of the form. They’ll appear automatically if set that way or when a valid coupon code is entered. You’ll find them displayed right below the related fees.
  • What happens if the total discount exceeds the cart total?
    • No need to worry—our system ensures that the total due will never go negative. If discounts exceed the cart amount, they’ll adjust to bring the balance down to $0, but no lower.
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