Mobile Push Notifications

TeamSnap uses mobile push notifications to deliver messages in a snap! 

What is a push notification? 

A push notification is a message that pops up on a user's mobile device and will only appear if the recipient has the iOS or Android TeamSnap mobile app installed and push notifications enabled on their device and in the TeamSnap app for the specific type of notification. Push Notifications are in-app messages and are not delivered by SMS text. 

When are push notifications sent? 

  • Event/Game creation (when Notify the Team is checked by admin)
  • Event/Game update (when Notify the Team is checked by admin)
  • Availability reminders sent out by team admin
  • Score updates
  • Lineups when published by team admin
  • TeamSnap Live! (Live! score updates, Live! game/event messages)
  • Team Chat
  • Direct/Group Messages (when not actively in the app)
  • Alerts created through the Messages tab

How can I receive Push Notifications? 

In order to receive push notifications you must have the following: 

  • The latest version of the TeamSnap app for iOS or Android installed on your device 
  • Be logged in to the TeamSnap app on your device 
  • Have Mobile Notification Preferences set to receive Push Notifications for the specified team with the TeamSnap app 
  • Have Push Notifications enabled for TeamSnap on your device application settings 

Set Mobile Notification Preferences in the TeamSnap App

From the TeamSnap web app

  1. Login to TeamSnap from a web browser 
  2. Navigate to the team you'd like to set your preferences for
  3. Click the Preferences tab
  4. Click the Notifications tab
  5. Set notification preferences for Mobile Notifications to Send
  6. Preferences are auto-saved! 

Note: Mobile Notification Preferences from the web application allow you to turn all mobile notifications ON or OFF, this does not allow you to set preferences for specific mobile notification types. If you'd like to specify the type of mobile notification follow the steps provided to set your in-app preferences for Android or iOS (see below)

From the TeamSnap Mobile apps

  1. Login to TeamSnap on the mobile app 
  2. Navigate to the team
  3. Navigate to the More menu  (the three-dot menu in the upper-right side of your screen)
    1. On iOS tap Notification Preferences
    2. On Android tap Notification Preferences 
  4. Under Mobile Notifications, tap to toggle switch your preferences - possible options depending on the team plan level are Live! Score Updates, Live! Game/Event Messages, Live! Video Highlights

Enable Push Notifications for TeamSnap in Device App Settings

Continue to the steps for your mobile device OS below to finish enabling push notifications

Enable Push Notifications (iOS)

  1. Tap Settings 
  2. Locate and tap TeamSnap in app list
  3. Tap Notifications
  4. Tap to toggle Allow Notifications switch ON 
  5. Tap to toggle Badge App Icon switch on (other toggle switch settings can be set to your preference)

Now, whenever you receive TeamSnap alerts a small red badge marker will be displayed on the TeamSnap app icon indicating that you have new unread information.

Note: Red badge markers on iOS devices are displayed when you receive an Alert message. It will not be displayed for score updates, new email messages, posts, availability reminders, event or game creation or updates. 

Enable Push Notifications (Android)

  1. Open device settings 
  2. Tap Notifications
  3. Locate and tap TeamSnap in app list
  4. Tap to toggle Allow notifications switch on (other toggle switches can be set to your preference)
  5. Open TeamSnap app
  6. Tap sliding menu icon
  7. Tap Notification Preferences
  8. Toggle the Alerts and Schedule Updates switch on
  9. Tap the Done checkmark

Note: Badge markers for Push Notifications will only be displayed on TeamSnap app icon for Android Devices using Android Oreo 8.0 or higher as this is not supported is earlier Android versions. 

If you do not see the TeamSnap app in your phone’s Notifications settings, you may not have given the app permission to send notifications the first time you downloaded it. To fix this, please delete the app, then download it again.

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