Using Team Chat

If there’s a rainout or a last-minute field change, want to coordinate a carpool, or tell everyone where the celebratory pizza party is happening, this is the place to do it. Team members automatically have access to Team Chat and will be able to view previous messages.

In this article

Post a Chat Message

  1. Open the TeamSnap app
  2. Tap your team name
  3. Tap the Messages tab
  4. Tap Chat (iOS) or select Chats from the dropdown (Android)
  5. Tap the Team Chat
  6. Tap into the "Type a Message" field and enter your message
  7. Tap the send icon

Tip: You can use emoji reactions in team chat for quick replies and to conduct polls.

Update Your Chat Name

The name that appears in team chat is the name associated with your account name. If you'd like to change the name that appears in chat you'll want to update your account information. Once you've done that, just log out of the mobile app and log in again. If you have the latest version of the mobile app installed, the next time you post in team chat, your updated name will appear. 

Delete a Chat Message in Team Chat

A team member can delete only messages they have posted, while a team manager can delete any message posted in Team Chat. 

  1. Long press (tap and hold) the message
  2. Tap Delete in the options that appear
iOS version:                                                                               Android version:

Attention:  Season archiving does not remove or delete Team Chat messages. Team Chat messages cannot be bulk deleted.

Archive or Unarchive a Chat Message

Clean up your list of group chats or DMs by archiving chat messages

Note: This feature is only available for iOS for direct messages or group messages. Team chat messages cannot be archived or deleted in bulk.

How to archive chats:

iOS: When swiping the Chat thread left, users will see the option to “mute”, “delete”, or “archive” threads.

Re-Instate Archived Chat

Archived chats can be found at the bottom of your list of chats within the Archived Chats section. You can reinstate the archived chat thread on the Archived Chats list view by swiping left over the chat message (iOS) to select your archiving options.

  1. Tap Archived chats at the bottom of the list of chat messages
  2. Swipe left over the chat message you would like to reinstate
  3. Tap the arrow to return to your complete list of team chats

Reinstated conversations will return to the chat list and become unmuted. Opening the chat thread and sending a message will also return it to the list of active chats.

If other recipients message the same Chat thread after it’s been archived for one or more recipients, then that message should reappear at the top of the Chat list for those who archived it

Mute or Unmute a Chat

The chat muting feature allows you to control the chat conversations that you are notified of. By default, chat notifications are on and you'll use the mute feature within the chat to turn off notifications. 

  1. Open the TeamSnap app
  2. Tap your team name
  3. Tap the Messages tab
  4. Tap Chat (iOS) or select Chats from the dropdown (Android)
  5. Tap the Team Chat or Group or Direct Message 
  6. In the upper right corner tap the bell icon to mute the conversation 
    1. Options for muting are for 2 hours, 4 hours, Until Tomorrow, Until I Unmute 
    2. To unmute tap the slashed bell icon 

Push notifications need to be enabled on your device for the TeamSnap app in order to receive push notifications. 

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