Delete or Archive Member Roles

Are there multiple roster roles for the same member in your organization? Have you used registration to generate new roles, but need to find a way to remove the old? There are two options to remove member roles from your active season. 

Delete Roles 

Member profile roles can be deleted under your organization's Members tab. 

  1. Navigate to the organization top Members tab.
  2. Search for the member role you want to delete.
  3. Click on the member name
  4. From this page you can see all roles the member has in your organization, and which registration entries those roles are connected to, if any. You can select 'Delete' using the snap Actions dots menu:
Warning: Deleting roles is a permanent edit that can not be undone. 

Archive or Retire Member Roles 

 If you want to remove these member roles from your active season, but retain them for future reference, archiving or retiring is for you! To archive or retire member roles without removing any other information from your active season, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new, empty division or team.
  2. Assign the members roles that you want removed to that division or team.
  3. Archive or retire that division or team to remove those roles from your active season and store them in an archived season.
Tip: Any members (including commissioners) that needs access to a team season after it has been archived or retired, must be a member of the team-level roster before it is archived or retired. This means that an organization admin that needs access should add a team roles for themselves to the team before removing the team from the active season. Organization admin have automatic access to archived divisions without needing additional roles.

To read more about creating divisions or teams, assigning members to divisions or teams, as well as how to archive or retire, check out the related guides below!

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