Export Roster List

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Export Team Roster List

Exporting your roster is easy in TeamSnap! 

  1. Log into TeamSnap 
  2. Click the Roster tab
  3. Click the Export button
  4. Click the Export CSV File button

Roster Exports generate a downloadable CSV File with Roster member information included on the roster profile contact card. Profile photos are not included in the export. Currently, an export file cannot be directly used to import to another team. Please see Import Roster Members for more information on importing. You may also be able to copy members from another team.

Note: Custom Fields are not included in the export.

Export Organization Roster List

The member export provides you with the most up to date and complete roster profile information for all of your members. The export includes all custom fields set up manually and included on registration, roster status (division/team assigned), email addresses, mailing addresses, contacts and phone numbers. It includes members of all roles. As a commissioner, you can navigate to the top level Member or you can drill down to a specific division level and do a member export for a division.

  1. Log into TeamSnap
  2. Enter your club or league under the My Leagues section of the Dashboard screen
  3. Click Members tab (if you would like to export members assigned to a specific division only, you will go to the Division first and then go to the divisional Members tab)
  4. Click Export Members in the upper right 
  5. Open the file (in Excel, Google Docs, etc.) that is emailed at the email address listed on your commissioner or league owner profile

Please note: Exports may take several minutes to process and show up in your external email program.

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